You’re Fired!

You’re fired! Okay.. You’re rehired.

My first attempt at my new job was a fail, motivation was lost fairly quickly but like with most things in life, failure is an event.

So I have seen my failure, recognised where I went wrong so I’m back for round 2.

Since quitting my internship time has been spent studying for the Googles Adwords certification and applying for marketing internships as well as ‘proper jobs’.

I came to the conclusion I will not be able to land my idea Search Marketing job until I have more experience under my belt, real question is how relevant does that experience have to be?

I have no interest in writing copy, yet most marketing internships involve writing a lot of copy.

The additional 3 months experience in the workplace will look good on my CV but does it really hold any substance?
Where are the PPC internships? I ask myself..

Is this really an area so closely guarded they only entrants are those who seek out the opportunities?

I will find them, or I will create them.

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