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Email Marketing

In one of the last blog posts I touched upon my internship at Industry Report Store. In this post I will go into more detail about what I have learned since starting here.

Never during my job search did I imagine I would be employed to build HTML email templates, my HTML skills till this point so far had been 2-3 websites for university and personal attempts to design my own website which had failed due to my for lack of better words.. “rubbish” design skills.

Code like it’s 1999

I wish I done more research into how to code for emails before I embarked on this challenge, I wasted a lot of time.

My initial templates I coded as if they were a website, using CSS and styling using DIV tags. One mistake I didn’t make was using external style sheets (Even I figured out that there would be no way to link them).

Then came judgement time, I sent my first test send and every email client ripped it to shreds, it was at this point I asked uncle Google for help.

Tables Tables Tables!

This image sums up how I feel about HTML emails.

Who would’ve thought that in 2013 you would coding in tables? Not me..

Having started university in 2008 they never really covered the existence of tables in web design, they clearly never expected any of us to become involved in email marketing.

I found nesting tables inside tables became very confusing very fast, as time went on I managed to cut down the amount of tables I was using.

Outlook 2007

I have always been a Micro$oft “fan boi”, that was until I met Outlook 2007. When a powerful empire such as Micro$oft is able to roll out a platform which is below standard to millions of companies worldwide it really bytes (ha!) the small intern in the behind.

Industry Report Store mainly deals with B2B clients, simple logical deduction tells us their customers use Micro$oft technology, so there is a very high chance of Outlook 2007 being their email client.

Outlook 2007 breaks everything, and when I say everything I literally mean everything. I remember building HTML pages and having to optimise them for IE7 and thinking that was a pain, however now having this current experience I would take IE7 any day.

In my next post I will talking about the next step in my “Mel Reid” digital campaign which is sending out HTML email CVs to potential employers.

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Mel Reid – The person, the campaign, the brand

From this point forward I will be referring to myself in 3rd person, I figure if Prince can be known as a symbol I can be known as a brand.

During my job hunt I realised many things; looking for a job is boring.

Sending emails is boring, making phone calls is boring. Interviews however are exciting.

But how does one land the interviews? I have an idea, and the idea is “Mel Reid” the brand.

What better way to get a job in marketing than by marketing yourself?

I am currently in the process of running a digital campaign for Mel Reid. The campaign currently consists of a mixture of email marketing and paid social advertisements.

Social adverts:

For the last week I have been running ads advertising “Mel Reid” to fellow digital marketers. A/B testing my adverts by changing copy, images and target audience.

Courtesy of GoDaddy I had £33 of Facebook credits to play around with.

My initial Facebook Ads were micro-targeted towards specific employers, you can read about micro targeting on Facebook here.

I started off with a sample of 4 PPC agencies based in London, researching their directors/managers of digital marketing and then the fun began.

What does your digital footprint say about you?

Due to the nature of the industry I want to enter the managers and directors were easy to find by doing a Google search.

With information pulled from Google, their LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and G+ accounts I was able to create semi-detailed lists of interests and backgrounds (note all of this information is publically available). I used this information to target my audience.


I ran the ad for the few days and to my surprise..


Sadly at this point the lead went dead, that was until this week when I started the “Mel Reid” digital campaign back up.

This time around I went for the macro approach and funny enough “FOUND” found me, I will be meeting with Greg tomorrow, wish me luck!

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Back in the game

It’s been a few months since I last blogged, the reason for that is that when I first put my website and blog online I was in the middle of a massive job search. A week after starting this site I found myself agreeing to another internship.

I am currently completing an internship for Industry Report Store (They sell market research reports to B2B clients).

My tasks here are to design and develop new HTML email templates, since starting here I can see a huge change in my design and HTML skills which I will demonstrate below.

First Email template:



Latest Email template:



As always these new experiences generate new ideas, I am currently in the process of developing my own Email CV to send out to potential employers.

Why I hear you ask? Text emails are just too boring for me. :P

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You’re Fired!

You’re fired! Okay.. You’re rehired.

My first attempt at my new job was a fail, motivation was lost fairly quickly but like with most things in life, failure is an event.

So I have seen my failure, recognised where I went wrong so I’m back for round 2.

Since quitting my internship time has been spent studying for the Googles Adwords certification and applying for marketing internships as well as ‘proper jobs’.

I came to the conclusion I will not be able to land my idea Search Marketing job until I have more experience under my belt, real question is how relevant does that experience have to be?

I have no interest in writing copy, yet most marketing internships involve writing a lot of copy.

The additional 3 months experience in the workplace will look good on my CV but does it really hold any substance?
Where are the PPC internships? I ask myself..

Is this really an area so closely guarded they only entrants are those who seek out the opportunities?

I will find them, or I will create them.

First day on the new job


This is a picture of me on my first day of my new job, it doesn’t pay much (well it pays nothing) I am my own boss, I set my own hours and I do whatever I want for work.

I decided to create a rough draft of what I thought a job description of my new work would look like:


Being my own boss I decided I was the best candidate for this position so I offered myself the role and I graciously accepted it.

There is no better time to start a job than on a Friday because Friday means end of the week drinks with your coworkers (in this case myself).

I should get back to work before I end up fired.

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Hello! My name is Melissa Reid, I’ve recently graduated from London Metropolitan University with a BA in Digital Media.

I am techy savvy, internet surfing, social media hugging, gadget loving part time gamer.

My initial interest in technology started at a young age having become addicted to the Zelda series and later on getting involved with Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games.

While spending my youth slaving away on online games I became aware of the importance of being a part of and creating an online community not only for pleasure but business as well.

At college I studied Software Development which was my first experience with programming. This led to choosing a degree in Digital Media Develop at the University Of Brighton.

Struggling to find a language I felt connected to I transferred to London Metropolitan to complete a BA in Digital Media (a more Media based degree).

It was once here I found myself creating small games using Flash and coding in ActionScript 3.

Since then a lot has changed, I found myself drawn to search engines; how they work, how you can use them to your advantage and why some sites rank better than others. This was my first taste of SEO.

I started to analyse sites for their content, their structure and ask myself why Google preferred some over others. So I decided to get my feet wet by taking up a social media internship at web development agency.

While undertaking my internship I gained first hard experience with copywriting for SEO, keyword development, project research, CPC Facebook campaigns, running competitions on Facebook and valuable insight into how startup companies are build from the ground up.

This blog will share my experiences as a young graduate trying to enter the digital marketing scene and hopefully provide some insight for others (along with some rants on the way).

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